Tech Teck Is Their A Such Thing As A Value Tech Stock?

Is their a such thing as a value tech stock? - tech teck

First, start to say that I am and always has been a value investor. Pharma with this principle in mind, I am optimistic about Microsoft and the great. However, I am beginning to question the value of Teck theroy because of a few criminals. Ie, Yahoo, eBay, Dell, etc.. These were, inter alia, good values for some time to fall much more. It is simply a case of bad corporate governance in a slowdown in withco more competition? Is it just a small exception, or simply to mature? What do you think?


muncie birder said...

Instead, it depends on the definition of value. On a historical basis, MSFT, DELL, INTC, CSCO, etc. to spend what we as a low price, because they are all leaders in their markets. Normally it should be enough for the market assigns a premium rated. But that does not seem to be the case.

You may have noticed that many of the large caps in recent times to perform very badly. I think this could be a gauge, we are in a bear market.

The current value in Treasury Bills. Nearly everything has peaked.

denaligu... said...

It depends on the bass is the lowest value. Look under "number of statistics" on the finance section of Yahoo, then read the concept of the terms. Who educates more than a little.
Will first define what "technology" of these measures, in his book, then use part of the main statistics that will help the value.
Yes, I think it could be a "value" of the shares of high technology. The share price appears arrested, beaten and a little torn, but if the company does things that you are "technology" and the concept of value that are not consistent.
Merck could have been one shares of 27, but it's now up to 50%, so that their "value" is back in the minds of the buyer or seller.

j03139 said...

I believe that Microsoft and IBM are the investment value, but I can think of no other. I'm not saying that the investment is good, is not only the growth of investment.

NC said...

Well, what is your definition of value investing? Microsoft is trading at 20 times at 6 times earnings and book value ... It has the appearance of value in my book ...

bobseesa... said...

2, the first thing that came to mind was developed by IBM and Hewett Packard
Whether large joint ventures with other goes .....
I think the whole industry as a whole slowed down ... Look at AOL had to go to free content .... Who will win, Yahoo, Google war
to .... or eaten MySpace advertising space can also ..... Cheap and fast

Tom H said...

I think what you are looking for is a former high-flying high-tech stocks that were beaten, and is ready for the surprise. The hardest part is the exact turning point or "bottom". Apple fits this bill, if purchased in 1998 or 2003.

Of course, MSFT, Dell, Yahoo and eBay are all companies that many couples. It is a big part of their problem. A large company can grow very quickly, and the rapid growth of profits is what drives the stock price of this stock.

Another way to say that the transformation from a growth to a strain value is pretty ugly, and above all, stock prices should fall by a factor of 2 or 3 or more.

Yes, this is the PC industry is growing more slowly than it did several years ago. Yes, Dell has more competition (HPQ), which is a good investment. You could say the same thing (for Google MSFT), but I would not. MSFT is late with respect to the new operating system and Office suite, XBox not fully with the boom and are still too high.

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