Wireless Receivers Works Well! Are There Wireless Internet Receivers For Laptops That Are Not PCMCIA Cards?
Are there wireless internet receivers for laptops that are not PCMCIA cards? - wireless receivers works well!
I am looking instead for a wireless receiver that thingy Internet via a USB port on the PCMCIA slot works. Are there?
USB works great!
Get the kind with the separate box, and Antenna
See the image of one of the best brands ...
I suppose you want a G-Speed?
You can also stumble WalMart, Best Buy, or if you want a sequel!
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For Office
It is not safe. Search Froogle Wireless USB. Here's an example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as ...
Yes, go get a wireless USB adapter, preferably a Linksys.
There are many USB devices wirelessly. Lately, also the most popular because they are cheaper and are used with PCs or laptops.
You can probably expect to spend about $ 40 for one or even less.
However, if you mean, "wireless" as in "Wi-Fi Internet everywhere (and no single point of access, or access at home), you should check with their suppliers, such as Sprint, Verizon Tmoble, etc.
Most of these companies offer either PCI (desktop) or PCMCIA (notebook) interface. If you are "standard laptop wireless" hot spots "of use (at home, or coffee) means there are as many people.
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